Make A Strong Local Presence Of Your Brand With Pylon Signs

Businesses that need to attract fast-moving vehicular traffic rely on pylon signs to rise above obstructions blocking visibility and advertise to a low-density community. These tall signs help them reach audiences far and wide and act as unmistakable location markers. Elevated signage such as this has helped businesses cement their brand and become attractions in the area. Custom pylon signs, in particular, have long been used to promote local presence. A prime example is iconic roadside diners across America that became part of local folklore and attracted celebrities from around the country (like so many on Route 66). Today, a similar (but less romantic) concept lives on in fast food chains like McDonald’s that mount the ‘Golden Arches’ on single post pylons. The brand association for this lighted pylon sign is so strong that people immediately associate it with a drive-thru. A lighted pylon sign like McDonald’s shows how local presence drives sales. Pylons offer a relatedly in...